Kalender 2021
Following is a consolidation of the Kalender or Kalendar for the months of January to June, July, August, September 2021 all the way till the year end of December 2021 indicating important festivals and other occasions.
Click on any image to view the enlarged version of the kalender for that month.

January 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

February 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

March 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

April 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

May 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

June 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

July 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

August 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

September 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

October 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

November 2021
Click on image to enlarge.

December, 2021
Click on image to enlarge.
About Kalender 2021:
Kalender 2021 is an english calender with all the months and dates according to the gregorian english calender or kalender.
The festivals can also be seen marked in the calender for the specific month. For example, Christmas festival or even Christmas eve for that matter could be seen marked in the december month of the calender. In the same month - that is December - new year eve can also be seen marked.
Similarly, many other occasions and festivals could also be seen marked for reference.
The best part is that you can see the enlarged version of any month by clicking on the image and see full size kalender for that month.
Also note, this kalender or calendar is for the year of 2021.
If you would like to check out Kalender 2020 or Kalender 2019 or earlier versions of the calendars you can visit the archives section.
Also there are other kalenders also available on this site :
such as
Malayalam Calendar
Gujarati Calendar
Tamil Calendar
Telugu Calendar
These were few hindi regional kalenders which you can browse through from the navigation bar on the left hand side.